friends of Greenfield Dance


Friends of Greenfield dance is a 501(c)3 non-profit that promotes music and dance locally.  

These are centering principles of The Friends of Greenfield Dance:

  1. Inclusion: We invite dancers of all genders, races, religions, sexual orientations, bodies, abilities, ages, and backgrounds. We actively work to offer welcoming events that do not present barriers to participation. 
  2. Safety: We strive to create an environment where dancers can feel safe. Dancing should be done with consciousness of physical and emotional safety of self and others.
  3. Respect: We respect each other as people. We believe that all dancers have something valuable to offer. 
  4. Fun: We want to have fun! We love dancing as an art form, social experience, and recreational activity. We want to share that love with others, and we want to connect everyone with the joy of dancing.
  5. Welcome new dancers: We design our events to be places where new dancers can discover and experience dancing. We encourage experienced dancers to help beginners learn. 
  6. Support of local performers: We recognize the amazing music being created by local musicians and wish to provide opportunities to hear, and encourage the growth of, local musicians and callers/instructors.
  7. Folk tradition: We value and support the folk music and dance traditions of our region and beyond, and encourage the appreciation of these living and evolving traditions.

The current Board of Directors for the Friends is:

  • Liz Nelson (she/her)–President
  • Raine Kane (she/her)–Vice President
  • Gumby Falk(she/her)–Secretary
  • Kate Kelliher (she/her)–Treasurer
  • Monya Relles (they/them)
  • Suzanne Patnaude (she/her)
  • Debra Arch (she/her)

Members of the dance community are welcome to attend Friends of Greenfield Dance board meetings. Meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of the month. Note that locations and times may vary. Please email us to verify meeting time and location.

Friends of Greenfield Dance, Inc. bylaws are available here.

A Brief History 

Originally known as the Friends of the Guiding Star Grange, fondly nicknamed “The Friends,” the organization was founded in 1995.

In 2013, under recommendations from our Board of Directors, members of the Friends ratified significant changes to our by-laws, including a name change, which now provide greater clarity and a higher level of transparency as well as making us compliant with federal guidelines. The organization was incorporated as the Friends of Greenfield Dance on March 28, 2013.

FGD Events


FGD’s Contra Prom Spring 2025

2:30-5:30pm and 7:00-10:00pm

Join us for 2025 contra prom!