friends of Greenfield Dance

Greenfield Dance Organizers’ Discuss Shared Details

By . Posted on May 17, 2017.

On May 17, 2017, 17 organizers and FGD board members met for our fourth organizers’ meeting. After a delicious potluck meal, we settled into a discussion about issues related to the Grange and the dances held there.

Discussion included introducing the new closing list. The need for the list came out of previous discussions concerning clean up and lock up after a dance, and realizing that expectations had to be outlined clearly since  so many different groups are responsible for those duties.

Organizers spoke frankly about attendance, admission prices and guarantees for bands and callers. Ways to increase attendance were brainstormed, and there was a brief discussion about advertising.

Ron Blechner shared responses from the recent survey the Amherst dance group had completed. He is continuing to look at the data to try to determine trends and patterns, and to determine the issues that are most important to local dancers. Ron stated he was looking for assistance in examining the data more completely.

The next meeting will be held in Greenfield, at the Grange. It will be held on a Sunday afternoon in October.

FGD Events


FGD Annual Meeting


Our Friends of Greenfield dance annual meeting will be May 8th at 6:45! All members in good standing are welcome to attend. Stay tuned for agenda and meeting link…